Meaningful Use

Welligent is Meaningful Use III certified. Our cloud-based EHR solutions capture structured data and allow healthcare providers to participate in care coordination and clinical decision support.

Meaningful Use III & ONC-ACB Certified Software

This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

SLI Certification Mark

Additional Software and Costs

Costs beyond the initial EHR purchase/upgrade for an EP, EH or CAH to attempt to meet meaningful use objectives and measures under the ambulatory program include one-time implementation service fees, monthly recurring subscription (based on number of users) fees, and recurring system maintenance/upgrade fees.

A one-time purchase of other software may be necessary to meet specific measures. In addition to the subscription costs of the base software, there are additional fees associated with such features as incorporation of a summary record or CDA (170.315.b.2) (Dynamic Health IT Connect EHR), creation and transmission of a summary of care record (170.315.b.1) (Dynamic Health IT Connect EHR), application access (170.315.g.7,9) (Dynamic Health IT Dynamic FHIR API), and secure health transport (170.315.h.1.) (MaxMD). Welligent is not certified for CQMs but is integrated with Dynamic Health IT CQM Solution to provide these measures at an additional cost.

View the Certificate

2024 Real World Test (RWT) Plan

2023 Real World Resting (RWT) Results

2023 Real World Test (RWT) Plan

2022 Real World Testing (RWT) Results

2022 Real World Test (RWT) Plan

View Two-Factor Authentication Use Case

b(10) Documentation

Additional MU Certification Information

Developer Name: Welligent, Part of ContinuumCloud

Product Name: Welligent

Version: Version 8 MU3

Certificate Number:

Certification Date: 2022-02-01

Certification Updated: 2023-11-21

Criteria Certified: The following measures were certified:

  • 170.315 (a)(5): Demographics
  • 170.315 (a)(9): Clinical Decision Support
  • 170.315 (a)(12): Family Health History
  • 170.315 (a)(14): Implantable Device List
  • 170.315 (a)(15): Social, Psychological, and Behavioral Determinants Data
  • 170.315 (b)(1): Transitions of Care
  • 170.315 (b)(2): Clinical Information Reconciliation and Incorporation
  • 170.315 (b)(10): Electronic Health Information Export
  • 170.315 (d)(1): Authentication, Access Control, Authorization
  • 170.315 (d)(2): Auditable Events and Tamper-Resistance
  • 170.315 (d)(3): Audit Report(s)
  • 170.315 (d)(4): Amendments
  • 170.315 (d)(5): Automatic Access Time-out
  • 170.315 (d)(6): Emergency Access
  • 170.315 (d)(7): End-User Device Encryption
  • 170.315 (d)(8): Integrity
  • 170.315 (d)(9): Trusted Connection
  • 170.315 (d)(12): Encrypt Authentication Credentials
  • 170.315 (d)(13): Multi-Factor Authentication
  • 170.315 (g)(3): Safety-Enhanced Design
  • 170.315 (g)(4): Quality Management System
  • 170.315 (g)(5): Accessibility-Centered Design
  • 170.315 (g)(6): Consolidated CDA Creation Performance
  • 170.315 (g)(7): Application Access – Patient Selection
  • 170.315 (g)(9): Application Access – All Data Request
  • 170.315 (g)(10): Standardized API for Patient and Population Services
  • 170.315 (h)(1): Direct Project

Relied Upon Software: ConnectEHR, Dynamic FHIR API, ConnectEHR +BulkFHIR, and MaxMD

ONC CERTIFIED HIT® is a registered trademark of HHS.

SLI CERTIFIED® is a registered trademark of Gaming Laboratories International, LLC dba SLI Compliance.

Welligent is Part of the ContinuumCloud

Welligent is now part of the ContinuumCloud spectrum of solutions for social good. We’ll be providing the same great product and service as part of a suite of cloud-based solutions designed specifically for behavioral health and human services organizations.